• Myanmar

• Myanmar

Myanmar is missing more than 27% of its 191,000 people estimated to have developed drug-sensitive TB in 2016. During the same year, more than 80% of its 13,000 people estimated to have developed drug-resistant TB were also missed by the health system.

To find more of its missing people, Myanmar is strengthening four approaches to increase TB case detection and early treatment of missing people with TB. The country is expanding access to GeneXpert in all townships and is ensuring proper use of GeneXpert and DST in line with the national policy (particularly for all smear positive and retreatment cases). Sputum transportation to the GeneXpert sites will be further strengthened and also builds on locally tailored referral systems. Myanmar is further establishing 132 new and externally quality assured microscopy centers in station hospitals to improve access to TB diagnosis in rural and remote populations. Access to district-level GeneXpert for every township will be ensured through improved specimen transportations and referrals. Access to chest X-ray will also be facilitated in every township.

A stronger emphasis is also given to engagement of private health care providers, particularly through the introduction of mandatory TB case notification, strengthened referrals from non-NTP providers as well as through the provision of DST provided to TB patients at risk of MDR-TB regardless of their treatment provider. Moreover, Myanmar is expanding active case detection through the deployment of 14 mobile digital chest X-ray teams. Identification and referral of people with presumptive TB will be ensured by integrated community health workers and community volunteers in hard to reach populations.