• Pakistan

• Pakistan

Pakistan is missing more than 31% of its 518,000 people estimated to have developed drug-sensitive TB in 2016. During the same year, more than 89% of its 27,000 people estimated to have developed drug-resistant TB were also missed by the health system.

To find more of its missing people with TB, Pakistan is scaling up FAST interventions in selected tertiary care public and private hospitals and will also conduct mass TB screening using mobile digital chest X-rays with CAD4TB. Childhood TB care will also be scaled up in selected public and private sector hospitals. Public-private mix interventions will be expanded in select district capitals. Quality of TB care services in the private sector is aimed to be improved through expanding the network of trained general practitioners and specialists for more systematic TB screening in their clinics. Presumptive TB patients will be referred to Sehatmand Zindagi Centers (SZCs), which are being scaled up to enhance case detection, community-based treatment and enrollment of TB patients at both general practitioners and Sehatmand Zindagi Centers. Pakistan is also scaling its program to engage youth adolescent school girls (‘Kiran Sitara’) in active case finding and encouraging communities to get screened for TB. In order to find more of the missing people with MDR-TB, Pakistan is establishing more private sector Programmatic Management of Drug Resistant TB (PMDT) sites.