Countries and their efforts to find their missing people with TB

Countries and their efforts to find their missing people with TB

The TB case finding approaches outlined for each of the 13 priority countries below are funded through the Global Fund’s Matching Funds for TB. As part of the Global Fund’s Catalytic Investments, these resources have been made available to these countries in addition to their general grant allocation. Their purpose is to incentivize the programming of country allocations in such way that a higher impact on disease control can be achieved through Global Fund investments. As the priority area of TB under Matching Funding is focused on ‘Finding the Missing People with TB’, the approaches the countries are implementing is aligned with this focus.

In addition, the countries are also pursuing TB case finding interventions as part of their broader national TB response, which is funded through their general Global Fund grants, other donors as well as domestic funding. While equally of critical importance, these interventions are not captured in this section but can be found in the countries’ Funding Request documents made available on the Global Fund webpage.

Click on the different countries for more information to obtain details on TB case finding interventions under ‘Background’ or read about latest in-country progress under ‘Updates from the Field’.

If you would like to submit progress updates from your TB case finding work in one of the 13 Strategic Initiative priority countries, please get in touch with us at: